About Techelate

Techelate has a simple mission. To help consumers like you get the most out of your tech.

Technology has never dominated our lives as much as it does today. With products and services getting more technical by the day, we’re here to help simplify the jargon and ensure you’re not left behind.

So whether you want to make the most out of your latest wearable device, or simply need to troubleshoot an issue with your TV, we’re here to help.

About Sacha Fournier

Sacha has over 18 years of experience within the consumer technology and electrical space.

His journey into the world of consumer tech started at the age of 13 when he would frequent his local Maplin electronics store and piece together computers from spare parts.

For our friends across the pond, RadioShack is the US equivalent of Maplins (UK).

This hobby quickly turned into a side hustle where Sacha would offer to fix his neighbor’s computers and various other electronic devices. Sacha gained employment at one of the UK’s leading electric wholesalers where he worked for over 8 years during and in between his University studies.

Nowadays Sacha is focused full-time on growing Techelate into one of the world’s leading consumer technology websites. He enjoys crunching numbers, conducting large-scale data studies, and sharing his findings with the world.

Editorial guidelines

Here at techelate we are committed to providing clear, concise, and correct information.

All of our content is fact-checked before it’s published to ensure that we are not providing false information. And it is written in a way that is as easy to follow as possible, no matter how complicated the subject matter is.

We are also constantly reviewing our content to ensure it’s up-to-date.

We invite all our readers to point out where we may have fallen short. If we spot any mistakes, these will be promptly corrected.

Contact Us

Do you have anything you’d like to let us know?

Our inbox is always open and we’d love to hear from you at hello@techelate.com.

For press inquiries, please contact press@techelate.com.

You can also connect with us via Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

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